Statutory reporting – the cornerstone of good employee governance

The Skills Development Levies Act, Act 9 of 1999 and the Skills Development Act, Act 97 of 1998, place a statutory duty on qualifying employers to pay a monthly Skills Levy to the Receiver of Revenue.

In return, the company can access some of these moneys in the form of rebate payments to the company provided the company uses the work-place as an active learning environment, provides employees with opportunities to acquire new skills and provide new entrants to the labour market with an opportunity to gain work experience.

The Employment Equity Act, Act 55 of 1998 places a statutory duty on every designated employer to submit an annual Employment Equity Report to the Department of Labour and to draw up an Employment Equity Plan for the company. RISMA can assist you to comply with the requirements of both Acts.

Skills Development

RISMA can assist smaller companies to conduct a training needs analysis, develop a skills development strategy and Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) for the coming year. The content and implementation of the Workplace Skills Plan will feed into your Annual Training Plan (ATP) and both these plans will feed into rebate applications.

RISMA may also act as the Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) for the company or assist an internally appointed SDF to perform the tasks set out below. As such RISMSA will assist with the submission of any rebate application and communicate with the SETA on behalf of the company to attend to any unresolved matter or query.

Employment equity reporting

RISMA can assist the company who is a “designated employer” to develop a plan for the implementation of the requirements of the Act, including the establishment of an Employment Equity Forum, conducting the workplace analysis, developing the Employment Equity Plan and submitting the annual Employment Equity Report to the Department of Labour.

The RISMA’s services can include the following:

  • on-going assistance during the year to fulfil all the requirements set out in the Act,
  • the appointment of an Employment Equity Manager in the company,
  • the establishment of an Employee Representative Forum,
  • the planning of activities and development of agendas for issues to be discussed at Forum meetings,
  • chairing meetings of the Forum,
  • development of the Employment Equity Report,
  • development of the Employment Equity Plan,
  • annual filing of both the Report and Plan,
  • a once-off service to compile the Employment Equity Report and the Employment Equity Plan.

Click here to find out more about “designated employers”.

RISMA’s services available to designated employers

Our services can be utilised either on a once-off basis (to develop the EE Plan and Report for the client) or to provide ongoing support in both meeting the requirements and then reporting.

RISMA – we can help alleviate your employment challenges!

Click here to find out more about our statutory reporting services!

Show your employees that you care – talk to RISMA today!