Performance management is key to a sustainable business

RISMA can assist with the development and implementation of a focussed performance management system which aligns company’s business strategy and targets to individual performance goals. The overall performance ratings assigned in the final performance appraisals may be used to determine performance related annual salary increases and bonuses. RISMA’s approach to performance management is contained in its Performance Management Policy.

An effective performance management system will:

  • translate company strategic goals into measurable goals and targets at all levels in the organisation
  • provide a systematic process for the cascading of company goals to departments, teams and individuals,
  • align individual performance goals with the business strategy as well as the output required by the individual’s position (job description) to ensure that every employee is clearly aware of the performance results they are expected/required to achieve,
  • provide a framework for the review/appraisal of performance leading to the continuous improvement in the delivery of quality services to all customers,
  • provide a framework for the identification of training and development needs that are performance driven,
  • facilitate the identification of employees with potential for transfer and promotion,
  • provide a basis for succession planning and career development,
  • foster an organisational culture that is performance and results driven and that promotes mutual accountability for the collective achievement of business results.

RISMA can provide consulting assistance to ensure that the following three components of the effective performance management system implemented correctly:

  • 1. a performance scorecard and individual performance contract,
  • 2. a performance review or appraisal,
  • 3. a personal development plan (PDP).

The RISMA Goal Setting Process provides alignment between strategy and individual performance goals.

Click here to view a diagram of the Risma goal setting process.

Competency profiles

RISMA has developed 3 master competency and skills sets containing a detailed description of each of the competencies that are required at the three main levels of functioning in the organisation. These competency sets can be used as reference to develop competency and skills profiles for the various and specific jobs within the company.

The profiles can then be used in support of other HR processes such as recruitment and selection, career development and succession planning and to identify individual development areas to improve individual performance which will feed into each employee’s Personal Development Plan.

RISMA can assist in drawing up details competency and skills profiles for specific job in the organisation. The 3 competency sets are as follows.

  • company executives,
  • senior and line managers,
  • general employees.

RISMA – bringing in-depth HR experience to business owners and managers!

Click here to find out more about our performance management services!

Show your employees that you care – talk to RISMA today!